Isabel Brown
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
In today’s world, free speech is under attack more than ever before. Join me here on Locals to find all of my content, produced with TPUSA & independently, in one place & unfiltered! When we join together and speak the truth, there’s nothing we cannot do.
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Trust me, yall dont want to hear this.
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Instagram down again today :( back for stream tomorrow!
SOTU stream tonight 9 PM EST!

Boo, Xfinity - but we’ll be live as soon as Internet is back!!

September 18, 2024
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September 17, 2024
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Under the weather days mean the perfect weather to curl up with the most necessary read on the planet this week 📚

A few weeks ago while walking through Edinburgh, I spotted this version of George Orwell’s “1984,” which I immediately picked up and purchased because HOW BRILLIANT IS THIS COVER DESIGN?!?!

Especially after the interference we’re seeing the media run on state-sponsored propaganda all over the Western World in the last few weeks (not to mention, the debate 2 nights ago 👀), I absolutely implore you to read this book. It’s never been more important.

We cannot let 2024 fully become 1984, or we may be stuck here forever.

No show today as I fight a nasty cold, but we’ll be back tomorrow! 🫶

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