Happy FriYAY, streaming gang!
It's great to be rounding out a tough week together as a community, and closing out the week today we're covering some underreported GOOD NEWS stories that are absolutely guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
When we all need a reason to find some hope, it's a powerful reminder that we can BE the light in the darkness whenever the world needs it.
Join Isabel Brown today on the stream for an inspiring start to the weekend!
DON'T FORGET: you can PREORDER MY NEW BOOK, The End of the Alphabet: How Gen Z Can Save America right here: http://bit.ly/EndofAlphabetBook
Thank you so much to Nouri for sponsoring this stream - it takes guts to feel good. Are you taking care of YOUR gut and immune system? Check out Nouri's incredible lineup of supplements and use code ISABEL20 right here: https://dailynouri.com/